Please be aware of the following baggage restrictions related to specific regulations.
To enhance passenger safety on flights to and from Dubai, the relevant regulatory authority will inspect all checked-in baggage for prohibited items in accordance with applicable laws. Pagers and walkie-talkies are prohibited on flights departing from or transiting through Dubai. Any such items found in hand baggage or checked baggage will be confiscated.
The regulatory authority reserves the right to search checked-in baggage in the absence of the customer. Please note that the relevant regulatory authority and/or SpiceJet Limited shall not be responsible for any items removed from baggage, nor for any pilferage, loss, or damages, including baggage locks.
For guidance on baggage policies and rules, please visit the Dubai International Airport website at
According to the Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka, a permit from the Director General of Agriculture is required for the importation of all plants, planting material, and plant products into Sri Lanka. Each import must carry phytosanitary certificates and other necessary documents from their respective countries at the point of entry. Failure to comply may result in detention and destruction of the materials by the Quarantine Authority.