Live animals are permitted to be carried in the cargo hold for which the requirements are mentioned below.
- The period of validity of the veterinary health certificates should not be more than 48 hours before the time of schedule departure.
- AVI will be accepted only on direct flight.
- SpiceJet does not accept live rats, guinea pigs and any other animal emanating a strong odor on its flights. SpiceJet also does not accept reptiles and other poisonous animals on any of its flights.
- SpiceJet will not accept any live animal intended to be used for laboratory experimentation for transport on its network.
- The owner of the animal will be responsible for compliance with all the governmental customs and health requirements, including quarantine arrangements at destinations, entry permits and other documents required by countries of entry.
- Shipper's Declaration Form and a declaration indemnifying the airline will be obtained from the shipper at the Cargo warehouse.
- Carriage of Animals into any country by air as a cargo shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of IATA Live Animals Regulations (LARS) and SpiceJet Policy.
- The pet dog must be properly muzzled and leashed.
- AVI will be carried in the cargo compartment of the aircraft.
- For CITES species, CITES Export / Re-Export Permit where required, veterinary examination, quarantine, or prohibition restrictions which may also include the food provided for the animal(s); also, the shipper shall obtain current requirements from local consulate or national authority concerned, if applicable.
- If AVI is required to be loaded on or in ULDs (Unit load device), then ULDs are only loaded onto aircraft that are compatible with the load and associated restrictions.
- Animals shall not show any signs of illnesses. They shall be well fed (food and water) prior to transportation.
- The carriage of animals in an advanced state of pregnancy is prohibited.
- Health documents stating the animal's fitness for carriage by air, breed, age of AVI and Fit to Fly Certification and Vaccination / Immunization record with Rabies vaccination date are required.
Minimum Age
Pets must be at least 4 months old for International flights or 3 months or 12 weeks old for Domestic flights. Females with young suckling, as well as puppies / kittens, will not be accepted.
- A maximum of two adult animals of comparable size of up to 14kg each that are used to cohabitation may be shipped in the same container. Animals over and above the aforementioned weight limit must travel individually.
- Animals up to six months old from the same litter, up to a maximum quantity of three, may be shipped in the same container.
- Maximum weight of AVI should not be more than 35kg excluding the cage weight.
Restricted Breeds
SpiceJet will not accept the following breeds of dogs, including snubbed-nose dogs and short-muzzled dog breeds, as these animals are known to be susceptible to increased risk of heat stroke (when exposed to stress or changes in temperature), breathing difficulties or increased travel stress.
SpiceJet will also not accept poisonous animals and those who are known to produce offensive odors.
The following breeds are examples of those not accepted for carriage on SpiceJet flights due to safety and regulatory considerations.
Category |
Breed Examples |
Boxers |
Boxer |
Bulldogs |
English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pit Bull |
Mastiffs |
Bull Mastiff, Boer bulls |
Pugs |
Chinese Pug, Dutch Pug (Mopshond, Mops Hund, Carlino) |
Spaniels |
English Toy Spaniel (King Charles Spaniel), Tibetan Spaniel |
Terriers |
American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Boston Terrier, Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier |
Misc. Dogs |
Akita, Brussels Griffin (Petite Brabancon), Chow Chow, Dogo
Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Lhasa Apso, Japanese Chin (Chin,
Japanese Spaniel, Japanese Pug), Japanese Tosa, Pekingese,
Rottweiler, SharPei, Shih Tzu, Tosa |
Cage for Live Animal:
AVI will be accepted only in the IATA Standard Fiber Cage. Maximum dimension of cage should not be more than 48 Inch (L) X 45 Inch (W) X 30 Inch (H).

Determination of kennel size and quality: The animal shall have enough space to turn around normally while standing, to stand and sit, and to lie in a natural manner.

For International
Animals when properly crated and accompanied by valid health and vaccination certificates, entry permits, and other documents required by countries of entry and/or transit will provisionally be accepted for carriage, with the advance agreement of carrier, subject to carrier's regulations and shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of IATA Live Animals Regulations (LARS) by Air Cargo mode only.
All Shipper's intending to Import/Export AVI into/from India from/for all countries as cargo are required to comply with applicable regulations and to have No Objection Certificate / Pre-import Clearance from Animal Quarantine & Certification Service (AQCS) in India, before the commencement of the journey to India. For further details on import/export of AVI to/from India, please refer to
To India
In accordance with directives from the Customs Authority, no live animals to be imported unless the following conditions are met:
- Prior approval from the Animal Quarantine;
- Shipper shall obtain current requirements from local Consulate or the concerned national authority.
- No Objection certificate from the AQCS (Animal Quarantine & Certification Services) to be obtained at least 7 days before arrival into India.
- Import Permit would be required.
- Shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the IATA Live Animals Regulations (LARS) and SpiceJet Policy.
- Shipper need to fulfill the requirement mentioned here -
From India
- Export Permit would be required.
- Shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the IATA Live Animals Regulations (LARS) and SpiceJet Policy.
- Shipper need to fulfill the requirement mentioned here -
- For any clarity, please reach out to our Call Centre Team at +91-9999-570-570 or